One of the main sites of the Dreamcast Scene and one that im webmaster of (Along With Dr Zoidberg)is DC Homebrew. Well we now have a new url for DC Homebrew and that is so up...Read More
LyonHrt has once again used his DVD recorder to make some great screenshots of the as yet unreleased GBA Emu for the Dreamcast by Troy Davis. Check out the newest batch of screenshots Here and Here...Read More
Again we have been busy and LyonHrt has again took some of the best screenshots going of this highly promising GameBoy Advance emulator for the Dreamcast, check out 2 new pages full of Screenshots Her...Read More
Most will know that has been down for nearly 3 days and while we have been down, we have had a great chance to play with the GBA emu for the Dreamcast by Troy Davis (GPF), we have 22 scren...Read More
A few new bits of news, Storminator16 has made a new official forum for this emu at This Page, (DR Z Beat me :P) We also have some new high quality screenshots for you to look at (Mario Kart, Guilty G...Read More
Major News for the Dreamcast Scene 🙂 Marcus Comstedt and the DreamSnes team (The Authors of the best Snes Emu for the Dreamcast to date) have given to Scherzo the CPU Core thats written in SH4, wit...Read More
Some rather surprising news from Lik Sang While the big ones announce new systems, ground-breaking new concepts and a shipload of new games for the next generation, we have some good news for the Sega...Read More
Got some excellent high quality screenshots of the GBA Emu for Dreamcast by Troy Davis aka GPF, we tried the emu with Mario Kart GBA, F Zero & TMNT. Findings so far in the build we tried is that ...Read More
The GBA homebrew scene has got hundreds of games, demos etc and now it seems it may be coming to the Dreamcast, heres what Troy Davis(GPF) posted in a DCEmu UK forum Topic well I have ported a GBA emu...Read More
Chanka one of the three very promising and active Dreamcast emulator projects for windows has been updated with some great screenshots and excellent news. The news translated via altavista:) We were s...Read More