Have uploaded DJ & Nero Images of NesterDC version 5 pre 4 fixed. You can get them from the NesterDC Page. Thanks to Dr Z for makeing the images 🙂...Read More
Syngori of Syngori’s Dreamcast Covers has added a DJ and Nero self boot image for DC-Fight including a custom IP.Bin that can be downloaded and has also a nice cover for it.If you just want the ...Read More
Sam Steele has updated his site DreamZZT with news of a new version of his 3D Test Demo. “Classes start again for me tomorrow, so I wanted to get something released for you all before I have to ...Read More
Today is a great day indeed, Dreamcast media player demo released (DivX only currently). Here is what the author has to say: “Originally, this was intended to be a test program for a PC media pl...Read More
Jimbo has released version 0.1.4 of his dreamcast fighting game. improvements since v0.1.3:v0.1.4: fighting staterefined the notion of fighting state to be more like a power level… denotes stami...Read More
Sega Europe has finaly released DreamKey 3, it is available to order from the DreamArena website. Quote from sega-europe.comDreamkey 3 enables you to choose your own Internet service provider (ISP) an...Read More
TuxNES-DC 0.1 ReleasedJim Ursetto has released v0.1 of texnes-dc, a port of TuxNES v0.75 to the Dreamcast. Current status/ Features: Almost all games work at 30FPS with sound. In fact, the renderer is...Read More
Regex has updated his FrNes site with the following news: Fixed 90% of the bugs with Sprite #0 now (fixed mot of the previously broken games). Crystalis, SMB3, Megaman 3-6, Kirby, Ninja Gaiden 3 and l...Read More
[][]T-MONEY[][] has once again updated Boob! Clanwars Site. It seems ppl have had problems registering. “Well, I got a few notices from various members that either there member profiles were get...Read More