There have been some releases in the past few weeks, here’s the sum up: Pipepanic 0.1.3: An SDL port of this pipe connecting game by Indiket P...Read More
Indiket has ported some games: Videopoker 2: A SDL poker machine simulator BlackJack: An Allegro port, specially recommended by Indiket Patolli 1.0: This is an aztec board game written in C and u...Read More
Neoblast from the spanish IberDC team ported this SDL Tetris clone to the Dremacast. Check for the source and binaries. Discuss on our forum!...Read More
Makaron‘s author Deunan has posted a tutorial on his blog on how to make a cheap connector to link your Dreamcast with a PC, especially for those coders who can’t get a hold of a...Read More
Indiket ported MetaPacman, a SDL Pacman clone by MetaCipher. It has 13 levels and 3 adjustable difficulty levels. Download it at the news source, Discuss on our forum!...Read More
The spanish development group EmuForge has announced that they’re working on a Secure Digital card adapter for Dreamcast. It’s based on jj1odm’s work, using ...Read More
There’s a new port of PiX Pang, a Pang clone made in Fenix. The DC port offered in the author’s site doesn’t work on Dreamcast, so Indiket (with help from&nb...Read More
Deunan released this VMU simulator for Windows as a beta, complementary to his Dreamcast emulator, Makaron. It requires a BIOS image to work and although it doesn’t have a configu...Read More
In the past few days, the good guys at released a couple of open source games, here’s a quick recap: Another Brick DC by Ron is a Tetris clone originally released on ...Read More