Haze (a mamedev for those that dont follow it) is taking a break so updates may be slow or not around for a little bit. Why does this concern us you ask? well in this thread theres several people blam...Read More
Port of Out Of This World to the DC by Metafox, heres what ya need ta know:This version only has keyboard support so far but it does work Get from here...Read More
After years of questions such as ‘can we run Metal Slug on the DC?’ it looks like it may be possible (just not in this forst release) coming from among others ian micheal.To quote from his...Read More
The remake of the mario ‘homage’ (read rip off 😉 ) is out for DC, not much is said about it on the homepage though, looks nice from the shotsGet from here...Read More
Now with 210+ games supported, it now has every pacman game, every old wonderboy game and most of the old old 80’s classic games so retro fun ahoy for old folk like meGet from here...Read More
A MAME supporting 124 games from the 80’s, guess who from (like it’ll shock anyone), yes its Reaper again, heres some of the games supported:darkplnt, darkwar, dazzler, devilfsg, devilfsh,...Read More
Got a MAc?, want sbi niceness?, then use this, heres whats new:-No more sbi file renaming & unzipping. Inducer 0.9 now automates the process, so all you have to do is download the .sbi file and M...Read More
Following the recent port to DC of Mess comes this single system release Atari 7800 by Reaper, heres the info:-Its playable i dont know what speeds about 70% with sound or faster some times play with ...Read More
A couple of new single game MAME’s today, first up we have X-Men 4 player – still a few speed & sound issues & secondly Vendetta, heres whats Warmtoe has to say about em:‘o...Read More
Its been wanted for a while now its here, heres the info:It is not optimized – it works at nice speeds with sound off, and nicer speeds with pvr DMA on. However Warmtoe & Reaper are collabo...Read More