Wraggster has conducted another great interview. This time with the author of SMEG. Read the complete interview by heading over to ConsoleVision for the interview. And post your comments HERE....Read More
Takayama has posted a pre-release: New futures of 3.0t5-pre2 quick save/load state (call menu by press B pulling R trigger). reset. some bug fix which enbugged 3.0t5-pre. be unstable. (sometimes crash...Read More
Turrican2k posted this news yesterday: I’m moving back to Uni this week so I’m not gonna be doing any DC development for the week. Also note that Crt0 is heading the Bomberman clone now. S...Read More
Bigboy the author of DC64 had this to say in the forums: Okay… DC64 is currently running around 1.333 frames per 1 C64 frame (around 37.5 FPS). I still have a LOT to do, but I need to start thin...Read More
Dan Potter posted this news to his site yesterday: Well, everything except the DNS is now moved to our new ISP. So email should once again be functioning (though I’d give it a day or so to make ...Read More
Just received this email: Just letting you know that I moved my SMEG compatibility site. Here is the link: http://www.fortunecity.com/marina/indiabasin/1211/smegtest.htm ~Jagaadelic...Read More
For those of you who did not know(Not sure why someone didn’t post this earlier): Hey Everyone, I figured this is just as good a place as any to announce that FrNES has been successfully ported ...Read More
Wraggster had the great pleasure of conducting this interview on the behave of Consolevision . You can find it Here. Good Job! -Cyber Plague...Read More
I found this great site by John Maushammer. This is what you can expect from the site: Disassembler (Release 1.03)Assembler Simulator VMU-PC transfer CPU Documentation Potato Chip Hardware (memory map...Read More
Here is the latest straight form the site: After a quick test of the new Dreamemu release this morning, I have found that it has trippled (if not more) it’s compatibility. Preliminary ISO suppor...Read More