I have been disappointed by the lack of MGC coverage, it was supposed to be a grand event but without a press release highlighting what we should be excited about the show lost all momentum and there ...Read More
Our good friend Roel Van Mastbergen of Senile Team appeared on his first podcast with B-Ten. It is a nice podcast in a casual conversational sort of way. It stars off a little slow paced and their wer...Read More
Via DCS/SegaNerds Watermelon Games issued an update yesterday, detailing the latest in Pier Solar HD‘s development. It turns out, the game won’t quite make it in April, which they previously said....Read More
For those keeping up with GyroVorbis’s YouTube series Adventures in Game Development should be familiar with Elysian Shadow. Those who aren’t well here is a brief synopsis: Elysi...Read More
The interview is about the upcoming MGC. Dan generally discusses the event, no direct mention of Goat Store Publishing or Dreamcast. Although it has been rumored that GSP will finally be revealing som...Read More
Okay, deep breath. We have been working very hard trying to push the Kickstarter forward and reach a wider audience. This is our final effort, I am giving away 2 copies of the book and a T-Shirt over ...Read More
Last year, we held a poll to see how many indie game consumers were actually able to finish Last Hope. We purposely did not differentiate between Last Hope and its update Pink Bullets. Surprisingly en...Read More
We first reported about Sega history book a couple of months back, by the time we got around to reporting it the hardcover version of the book had already sold out. Fortunately, our good friend and co...Read More
Hucast has bewildered the community by releasing their debut title three times over the last 5 years, and we have been covering it extensively ever since the game was revived on Kickstarter in summer ...Read More