via has posted a review of the MVS version of Neo XYX. Here is an excerpt:
NEO XYX brings a few new things to the table though which haven’t been seen in [NG:Dev’s] previous games. First, the graphics are more in the Japanese arcade style, less of the heavy shading from previous games. Secondly, the game is primarily designed to be played in vertical aspect – a first for the Neo Geo platform some 23 years after it first appeared.
The graphics in this latest title are by Rozyrg, and they look amazing. Everything is pixel drawn, it’s colourful, it’s well designed, it’s clean, the enemies look alive and feature great animation. The game also moves at a pretty solid 60 frames per second as you’d expect, with only occasional frame drops and some sprite tearing when the hardware is overloaded (only when bombing a very busy screen or during end of stage explosion fields).
Sound is also well looked after by Rafael Dyll who has worked for NG:Dev in the past on all their previous titles. It’s a very European styled synth soundtrack with a fairly relaxed mid-tempo beat, and it suits the game perfectly with stages 2 and 4 being the stand-out tunes in my opinion. Sound effects are well done too, the mix is pretty much perfect – I’m a game music whore and really don’t like the music to be drowned out.
[…] Overall, it’s a great game and definitely their best work by a long shot, even including the popular Gunlord. It very much reminds me of Tatsujin / Tatsujin Oh in particular, for example the tank designs, the skull warning graphic before bosses, the tiles which appear between the title screen and gameplay, even some of the enemy attacks. The pace however feels like a nod to the faster play speed found in Batsugun and if you’ve ever liked any of the classic Toaplan titles, there’s a good chance you’ll enjoy this game too.
[…] It’s worth noting that the game has improved significantly since the original trailers – the enemy formations are better and the animation is in a different world, I think they really should have released a new trailer showing it off properly.
There’s also new footage of the game, recorded by Ghegs: