0.5.x features a debugger and “sync cycles” option which allow improving performance (at cost of accuracy) along with many other features, improvements and new platforms
Please note that the emulator still in alpha phase.
Note for Linux users: Debugger have GTK+ and SDL dependencies.
Available platforms
Windows (Debugger) Linux (Debugger) Windows (Native) Windows (SDL) Linux (SDL) Nintendo DS PlayStation Portable GP2x Wiz Dreamcast Dingoo (Dingux)
Available tools
Color Mapper v1.2 PokeMini Image Converter v1.0 PokeMini Music Converter v1.0 PokeMini Libraries for Pokemon-Mini (MIT Licence) FreeBIOS v1.3
Tools are available in debugger package, FreeBIOS is available in source code
Information about platforms
Windows/Linux SDL
Use Left and Right on ROM selection to page
Note for Windows users: Use C+Left / C+Right on ROM selection to change drives
“Escape” key will enter/exit the menu
To exit the emulator either close the window or select “Exit” inside the menu. Alt+F4 is also implemented in 0.5.x
Native / Windows GUI
The platform code was completely rewritten and now is working again!
Features Force-Feedback support and stretchable window
PlayStation Portable
Good speed emulation, increasing “sync cycles” has no effect.
“Generated” sound engine only
Good speed emulation, increasing “sync cycles” has low effect.
“Generated” sound engine only
Nintendo DS
Slow emulation, increase “sync cycles” to speed up emulation speed.
“Generated” sound engine only
GP2x Wiz
Full speed emulation.
Dingoo (Dingux)
Not tested, I don’t own the Hardware.
Lastest Changes
0.5.1 Changes
Relative files are now launched from current directory
Fixed notification message display in 32bpp
Added 50% Scanline LCD filter
New Tools (Available in Debugger package):
PokeMini Image Converter
PokeMini Music Converter
Debugger only:
F1 shortcut for documentation
Improved external launcher
IRQ Window “Frames in single-row” initialization fixed
Minimized windows won’t be rendered now
Added “Character Set -> From file…” in Memory viewer
Added “Memory data” in Memory viewer with Import, Export, Copy and Fill operations.
Win32 Only: Fixed DirectDraw surface pitch
About Pokemon-Mini games with colors
This was an experiment of how to add colors information into roms while remaining 100% compability, the real system doesn’t support colors, only the emulator can display the extra information.
For full documentation check the documentation provided with the debugger package.