DreamShell 4 Beta 3 released

Russian Dreamcast coder SWAT stopped by in our forums and informed us that he has updated his operating system for Dreamcast, DreamShell. This time a lot of new features have been added. The current release is Beta 3.

Below is his changelog:

– File System SD Card is now exempt from the limit of 8.3, you can use long file names and file names in Russian. And the library itself to work with the FAT has been updated.
– File Manager is updated. Added new features work with files (archiving, extracting, renaming), and also supported more formats to open or load files, if necessary, load the appropriate module.
– Updated DreamShell desktop. Added icon for the console.
– Fixed modules mp3 and ogg, now when loaded the console commands appear to play these formats, as well as their support is implemented in the file manager.
– Added a module from the VC/DC 0.2, but it is not yet working correctly, it’s hoped in time for release, still need to defer to the next.
– Added commands gzip and bzip2 for work with archives.
– The cursor in the GUI can now be changed at any time.
– Add new events in the xml <body> – “onopen”, “onclose”, “onunload”.
– Path in xml can now be relative. And as well as the possibility to set the working directory for DreamShell.
– Now DreamShell can be loaded directly from SD card using the “DreamShell from SD Loader”.
– Added module “sdiso”. When his loaded, added the command in the console “sdiso”, which can run ISO images from SD cards, as this module is built into the file manager so you can start clicking on the ISO image file.
– Some minor bug corrections and code optimization. New and modified some of the old API functions.

Below are the downloads:
DreamShell 4.0 Beta 3 (CDI Image)
DreamShell 4.0 Beta 3 (From SD Loader)
DreamShell on PC Loader v1.3
DreamShell 4.0 Beta 3 (Module SDK)
DreamShell 4.0 Beta 3 (Docs)

Official Website: http://www.dc-swat.net.ru/news/13/

Don’t forget to give him feedback and tell him much you like DreamShell via comments!

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