DCPlaya 2.0 Beta 2X by OVERRiDE

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DCPlaya 2.0 Beta 2X Is my modification of DCPLaya 2.0 Beta 2
Optimised for playback of media using FFMpeg codecs.
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Background.lua – Edited to load background.jpg from CD instead of RamDisc
– Brand new Background

DCPlayaRC.lua – Edited for faster loading, and now skips VMU initialization prompt

Subtitles.lua – Increased buffer from 1024kb to 4096kb

UserConf.lua – Now only codecs loaded into Ram are FFMpeg and OGG ( Better for RAM usage )
– Now only applications being executed are Subtitles and Song-Browser ( Better for CPU usage )

FFMpeg.lez, Jpeg.lez and OGG.lez un-compressed to .lef extension for faster loading

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-OVERRiDE 2008
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Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4TWEZFY8

– Thanks to OVERRiDE and Vasiliy !

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