Gianas-Return Team wrote:
Okay, here we go again for another status update.
Our main musician Alexander Oldemeier (op3rator) moved over to the UK and is limited in time now, also he does not have any internet at home yet, which makes communication quite difficult. As result of his lack of time he now has support from David Wuttke (am-fm). Both will be finalizing the music the next days. Don’t worry about style differences, there are almost none
op3rator and am-fm both create excellent chipmusic tracks.
The graphics are coming along, we managed to put Adam Karol (Wizard) back in charge, who already drew the marvelous boss graphics – which everyone of you can enjoy once you manage to reach the end of each of the seven worlds.
While the final graphics are in progress, the level design is put on hold, but this is just a minor part which is done in one or two weekends.
Our coder, who will still stay unnamed for now, is a bit busy at his regular job, but he is motivated to keep on working while having deadline stress.
The coding of the first two bosses are 100% done and approved by our beta tester Mulle. The next three ones are close of being completed and will await our beta tester then.
As you can see everything is going smooth… so we look forward to have a release at 29th or 30th December 2008 .
Currently we are negotiating if we should release for GP2x or PSP first, but that will probably depend on the demand.
After the v0.99 version has been released, we will rely on YOU, the user, to send us bug reports. Once the game is considered as being fine and bugfree, we start to port over to other systems such as Dreamcast, Pandora, Wiz and whatever other platforms we can get our hands on.
At the end of November we will send another test version for verification to the guy we all love and who holds the copyright on the trademark name “The Great Giana Sisters” for pre-approval. After all he should see everything before anyone else.