Giana’s Return Updates

The Giana’s Return Team has updated their site with some news:

Lack of sleep…

…more news will follow in 2 days. 7 Espresso’s can’t keep the newser up atm 😉

PS: After 2 hours, we now have the first level enhancements. In particular World 1 Level 8 and World 2 Level 8 are ready!

Level up!

We decided to increase the amount of levels per world from 7 to 8, due to having two music tracks per world and we did not know how to split up in a fair way. So we have a new music track every 4 levels, along with seperate boss music.

If all our plans go well… we have a total amount of 56 instead 49 levels. This is more than enough for 2-3 hours of entertainment.

Answer from Spellbound, permission still there!

Unfortunatly a quote in german language again:

 Hallo Herr removed,

 solange ihr Projekt unsere Hinweise beachtet und als Freeware  
 erscheint, können Sie es nach wie vor veröffentlichen.
 Wir bitten aber darum, uns die Finale Version vor der Veröffentlichung

 Viele Grüße

It basically says. If we release the game for free and don’t use any rips, we can still release everything, but we need to send them a final version (probably for preview).

Now those are great news and another great news it to come, which we can not talk about right now.

Waiting for Spellbound AG…

As reported earlier, we have sent an E-Mail to a person at Spellbound asking about the HBV license and if they still mind to release Giana’s Return or not. The mail has been not read, which might be a sad sign.


Light into the Dark? Part II

We just wrote an E-Mail to Spellbound AG, who own the rights for “The Great Giana Sisters”, basically we were asking for clearification if there would be any troubles with a release of “Giana’s Return”. Depending on the answer, we will discuss about further steps inside the team, after all we are working to bring you guys freeware pleasure, but not at any cost.