Melty Blood Petition

Dreamcast Scene has started another paper petition, this time for Ecole’s “Melty Blood: Act Cadenza”.

Melty Blood : Act Cadenza is a NAOMI GD-ROM port of an independent fighting game for PC, based on the visual novel “Tsukihime” by Type-Moon. Watanabe Production (now French-Bread) initially produced the fighting game on their own, and then Type-Moon began to work with them after finding out about it (and liking it). The arcade version was ported by Ecole with the assistance of French-Bread and the input of Type-Moon (for stories, character presentation, and so on).

Dreamcast Scene has had successful petitions in the past, using the method of printing and filling out a petition sheet and mailing it to Dreamcast Scene (which then sends the collected petitions to the company). Border Down and Shikigami no Shiro 2 were two games that were released as a result of the paper petitions.

The Melty Blood petition can be found here.