Amstrad Emulator for Dreamcast WIP News/Screenshots

JMD has given me some great news and screenshots of his latest project which is an Amstrad CPC emulator for the Dreamcast Console, heres the status of the project so far:

“current status :

work :
– CPC emulation
– Keyboard support (with a virtual KB + real kb) + dsk file support (with GUI)
– sound (but I’m like it so much :/)
– most of the GUI

To do :
– screen resize (to zoom the emulation screen for some games)
– list the cpc dsk file to help the game launch
– map kb with UK, German and spanish rom (only french now)
– zip support “
Check out the excellent screenshots and full info at the Dream-CPC page.

Thanks to JMD for letting me post the news and screenshots. 😉