Tyne has updated his Quake brawling mod once again. Here’s what’s new:
– Vigil’s shadow effects are now a deep dark red, red is the color of power.
– 2 New enemies! One is a skeleton that is a bit tougher then a knight, and just under a Baron.. they can also jump behind you. The other new monster is a Horror, a female demon that flies around in the air and casts Fireballs at you, they can be a pain in the butt if teamed up.
– Modified the Uppercut Slice so that it flows even better into the head smash
– Camera now intelligently zooms in and out of the action!
– More scenery entities added including a new statue and zombies that hang on walls
– New temporary music for the castle level
– Beta version of the Dungeon level is included
– Update castle.bsp for new enemies and a destroyable door at the end
– TAoV now supports destroyable BMODEL scenery, meaning a mapper can design something Vigil can break in his level out of brushes
– New sounds and I changed a few
You can download it in this topic on our forums.