SDL-Fighter DC updated

Ian Micheal has released his first update to his port of SDL-Fighter, here’s the latest news as posted in this post:

Changed some game maths to make it run better and be a bit more fun.The Game hits 16fps and is 5fps faster at times then the last version. Still not flying along but maybe in time.

To Do
Change the grafix to load from the cd i could not seem to get this to work dont know why prolly my new burner.

  • Speed needs optmizing
  • Grafix loading from the cd for moding.

    List of credits
    Quzar he removed some debug info and the sdl controls and got some speed up and added the exit command.

    Slightly better and i changes the bullet speed and movement so it plays better more normal to me.

    Grafix loading from the cd i could not get it to work so if any one can let me know.

    SDL-Fighter DC downloads are available from IMR Technology.