GBA Emu For DC – HomeBrew Screenshot Bonanza

Most will know that has been down for nearly 3 days and while we have been down, we have had a great chance to play with the GBA emu for the Dreamcast by Troy Davis (GPF), we have 22 screnshots and very high quality too (thanks to LyonHrt and his DVD recorder), heres our findings so far :

its still slow, sound doesn’t effect it though speed wise
the slowest games though seem to use alot of effects
like the racing games using 3d type effects, they really slowed down
the fastest games were probably the simplist
wizards was fairly playable

mtype was too slow, wizards was ok, air hockey was quite good i enjoyed playing that
the aladin game didn’t get past its menu, thrust was ok
didn’t know the controls that well though.
deflector was playable thats a homebrew puzzle game
had it on the st not sure how this version plays
feels very similar, the most playable commercial game was bomberman.

So there you have it a mini review of whats been tryed so far and check out 22 great screenshots at Here and the second page Here