MetaFox has launched a new Dreamcast homebrew coding competition, here’s what he had to say about it:
“Riding on the impending release of the first homebrew-oriented Dreamcast print magazine, Dream On, and the correlation of the official opening of Cyberdog Castle on November 27 to celebrate the Dreamcast’s 5th birthday, I am organizing a contest.
The contest will be to create a complete Dreamcast game by the end of the year (December 31, 2003). This means full gameplay, graphics, music, sound, menus, the works. I know that this may seem like a steep requirement, but the reward is well worth it. The prize will be $25US plus a commercial run of your game on professionally pressed CDs. So, get those groups together, and lets see the Dreamcast homebrew community shine.“
If you would like to enter the contest or find out more info about it from MetaFox, check out this DCEmu topic or this topic over at Consolevision.