FLXPlay for the Dreamcast

My good friend WHurricane16 informed me on the DC DEV IRC Chan about FLXPLay for Dreamcast:

I’ve recently been invited to join Storm , and the first thing I’ve got for you coders out there since joining is this lib I’ve been working on for playing flc animations with SDL. It’s based on flxplay 0.2 by Jasper Berlijn . I’ll work on cleaning it up a little bit since there’s some stuff that’s not needed anymore and the way I have it now you can’t loop animations, and I’ll work on some examples in the near future, but here’s what I’ve got now. I’ll probably use it in my next game as well if I find the time to actually make flc animations. =)

Check out OneThirty8’s Site at this link –>; http://www.storm-studios.net/onethirty8/flxplay.html