Lemme tell ya something Mean Gene, Warmtoe has posted some updated info on his progress with the single game arcade version of WWF Wrestlefest, here’s what he had to say:
“I have managed to get WWF Wrestlefest working on the DC – but let me tell you, it’s not a pretty story!!!!
It needs 16MB by default to decode 8MB of gfx ROMS – that’s 24MB that should need to be in the DC’s 16MB just for graphics! not counting the other roms, MAME executable, assorted data areas etc etc.
Impossible task – or so I thought – first the 16MB can be brought down to 8 using the same technique as SIMPSONS and XMEN – still won’t do it – then I tried decoding the graphics in place, over the original ROMS, that doesn’t work either because the 2 areas are layed out differently.
So, this new trick, which is really not for n00bs – is, to take a modified build of PC mame, run WWFWFEST on it, and have it output the already decoded graphics to 4 files on your PC. Then the DC version, doesn’t even try and load the non-decoded roms, it skips that and loads the decoded data from the files produced on the PC!!!!
Works like a charm – apart from only being able to squeeze 7 of the 8 meg (after the SIMPSONS hack) into memory at once, what this means is that Mr Millionaire (or whatever his name is) looks a bit ill.
Problem I have now is, in order for you to be able to do this, I need to distribute either 18 megs of PC MAME build as well as the DC MAME build, or the decoded roms (which of course, I cannot do).
So… when I’ve worked this quandry out, expect a release… and before you get your hopes up too high – it’s pretty slow (although, playable).“