Feet of Fury News :)

Dan Potter and the Cryptic Allusion team who are better known for their Development work for the Dreamcast Console have now announced that the first Commercial Product for the Dreamcast scene by a hobbyist coder namely the Dance Dance Revolution type game called Feet of Fury will be on sale soon and they ar taking preorders now.

For those of you who have never tried the demo version of Feet & Fury you are missing a treat and being as its been developed by the best of the Dreamcast scene you can expect great things, heres a description from the site itself:

Welcome to the wacky world of Feet of Fury, a dance game with a far stronger emphasis on player-vs-player combat.

If you’re like us, you’ve played and played other music games until your feet wore out at the arcade and your legs are moving so fast that it’d require time lapse photography to see your steps. And yet you still want something more from the game, something a bit more interesting or challenging, but that doesn’t require still yet more speed.

Developed using the KallistiOS free console development toolkit, Feet of Fury is designed to bless your Dreamcast(tm) with as much fun as it’s had since Sega(tm) decided it wasn’t cool enough for them after all. With spiffy 2D graphics, just a touch of 3D, music playback based on the free OggVorbis Codec, and the capability to use both a standard controller and DDR-based dance mats, we’ve got you covered.

That got you interested then check out the main site Here or better still support the Dreamcast scene and pre order it Here

Lets support those who continue to make the Dreamcast Rock n Roll 🙂