More Genesis Plus for Dreamcast News

More News concerning the port of Genesis Plus to the Dreamcast by BlackAura:

He posted this

Current status
Bilinear filtering
Uses PVR DMA to transfer image to screen
Frameskip hardcoded to 1

Controllers 1 and 2 both work (3 button, mapped to X, A and B)

Not yet

Fairly slow
Works only on some games. Some weird error I’ve not traced yet
No GUI at all
Supports ZIPped ROMs (not that it has anything to do with me)
Columns is very playable. I’m not sure what speed Columns is supposed to run at, but it’s fairly close. I’ll put up a test ELF in a while, probably hard-coded to run /pc/testrom.bin, if that’s OK? If you press L+R+Start on the first controller, it’ll re-load the ROM and reset the Genesis.
I might actually just release everything I’ve got (BIN, ELF and source code) all at once, and hope someone else can work out what’s wrong with it.

and this

Sonic 1 – Gets to the Sonic Team logo, and then crashes
Sonic 2 – Flickers white and black for a few seconds, and then crashes

It all appears to be the same crash, so if I can work out what’s causing it, they should work fine. They work really well on the PC version.

Oh, and Columns crashes when you go back to the title screen after playing a game.

Check out more news as it happens at DCEmulation in this Forum Topic