Bluecrab has just released version 1 of what he calls ljsdcgen (for lack of a better name). ljsdcgen is a port of Generator to Dreamcast with SDL. Here’s his release notes:
Frameskip is set to 7, you can adjust this with the joystick, up and down
Controls are mapped as follows (on a dreamcast controller):
Genesis A -> DC X
Genesis B -> DC A
Genesis C -> DC B
Genesis Start -> DC Start
Genesis DPad -> DC DPad
Please let bluecrab know of any issues that come up.
Make sure that the fonts directory and its contents are on the disc.
All games must be in the roms directory!
Please do not put more than 1024 roms on the disc.
There is no sound yet.
This is a test release! Please do not expect it to be anywhere near perfect!
Please read the screen that comes up at boot-time! Understand it! Adhere to it!
You can get it either from “>here!
(And no, its not full-speed, nor anywhere near it)
Please leave any comments, as long as they adhere to what the last point of the release notes say, here.