CatanDC news

ReGex has posted some new CatanDC news at his site + a little bit about Duke3D:

So I’ve taken a bit of a break. Not a lot of progress in the last week. My defense is on next wednesday so I’m a bit preoccupied. Anyways, I have had some suggestions for redesign of the trade interface to make it a little more streamlined, as well as received a bit of a start for the VMU trade interface from Nick C, honorary interface codesigner. He may be helping with development in a month or so if he feels up to it. Anyways, I like his suggestions and I think they’ll make the trading interface a lot better. I spent this last week looking at how to do a Duke3d port with some other like-minded individuals, but I’m kind of drained from being out so late for so many nights this week.