Dreamcast Commercial Development Project

MetaFox is putting together a project that will try to get the DC homebrew scene a wider, more mainstream audience & spark up the Dreamcast commercial market:

The Dreamcast Commercial Development Project is an attempt to get the best coders, artists, and musicians together to try to reignite the flame of the Dreamcast in the commecial market.

Profit from the disc will be shared proportionate to the amount of sweat, blood and tears that each member has put into the project. To keep this project from going into obscurity – a swift deadline has been made – at least 3 of the games in the project will have playable demos available by E3.

Rest assured that the deadline will be met, as I will be pouring my soul into this project, and I hope that the other members do the same, the reward will be worth worth it.

The games will be seen by a huge audience, as I am personally going to be driving around the country, selling these discs to retail outlets door to door, as individual stores have a higher regard to new Dreamcast developments than thier corporate headquarters.

If you are working on something for the DC & would like to add it to MetaFox’s project, make a post in this Cyberdog Castle forum topic.