Icarus Screenshots

Keith the webmaster of the newly expanded website called Emufanatics has posted some great news concerning Icarus the Dreamcast emulator for windows and also some screenshots.

Hey everyone, just got done talking with my friend CyRUS and he sent me some very very nice screenshots of Icarus in action. I was blown away by the amount of games with ingame shots. CyRUS also mentions that tony hawks runs at 40fps on an athlon +1800, which is great news. Also mentioned that some games are totaly playable. As always there is no release date, so please don’t ask for one. Just enjoy the screens and let CyRUS continue to develop Icarus without request for releases. Ok onto the screenies .. click on Read More to view the screenshots in our Extended Text Feature.

Thanks CyRUS for the great screens, keep up the wonderful progress. 🙂

Visit Emufanatics at this address –> http://www.emufanatics.com/