PcsxDC Missing Lib Now Available!

Due to many inquires from the forums, I have emailed Mark about the the mysterious missing library in the last pcsxdc source which caused people problems if they wanted to compile it! Well here is Mark’s Statement:

“Here it is! The lib is a version from the PeopsSoftGpu ported to the DC. I sent it to linuzappz but i don’t know if he ever received it. My mail provider put a bandwidth restriction on the free accounts, so…

BTW: i didn’t ask the people from Peops about permission. It is under the GPL, but i
deleted most of the Windows specific files. If you want to put it on your website you
should perhaps mention that any question concerning this file should be send to me. I
don’t want to annoy the Peops team :). Thanks!


He sent me the lib and You can now download it HERE!