Bulldog Stadium, a mod for QuakeDC, has been released by released by the creator of the Raptors mod Ajay. Here’s what Ajay had to say about the mod on the Bulldog Stadium homepage:
“Bulldog Stadium is an fps without the ‘s’. Based on the playground game of “British Bulldog” players have to make their way from one end of the stadium to the other, avoiding the monsters attempting to kill them.
This journey is made, however, without any weapons at all, and none are available. Some power-ups to make it easier can be found though.
To make it harder, each level has it’s own time-limit; you can use only so much stealth to complete your goal.
All the levels take place in the “Bulldog Stadium”, however the ground and ‘internals’ change dependent on the monsters populating it. For instance a castle interior for the Knights, a forest for the R*****s …….
At the end of each level you’ll be given a score, this is calculated by multiplying the time left by the health you have remaining.
At the start of each Stadium, the player cannot move until the “3,2,1 …Go!” announcement has played, when reaching the finish, the player will be protected from harm.“
You can download Bulldog Stadium from Ajay’s site: http://www.ajaysquakesite.co.uk or from this QuakeDev mirror set up by TheDumbAss: http://quakedev.dcemulation.org/downloads/bulldog/bulldog.htm
If you would like to discuss this new release you can in this forum topic. Thanks to TheDumbAss for the news & the download mirror.