Iris Sample

Cyrus from posted this news on his website:

Olivier Chatry emailed me with the good news that he is still going to be continuing with his work on Iris (the project was supposed to be passed on/cancelled around August time). He has also submitted a little sample that shows some of the new functionality in Iris such as precalculated lighting, and a triangle strip clipper.

‘This sample demonstates some (very simple) physics and interaction between entities. The goal of the sample is to search for a ball in the world and return it to the starting point. You must not fall (:)) and can jump using the B button.
Left and right trigger are used to move the camera.
Analog paddle is for (camera relative:)) player movement.’

Great news also is that Epitech console laboratory will (very) soon release 4 games made with Iris.

Very Interesting News 🙂