IRIS 3-D Engine for Dreamcast has just been released, here is a list of current features & the to do list for future versions:
- Fast rendering using PVR API from KOS.
- Iris Model file format, using stripped triangle list as base primitive.
- Software clipping of triangle strips.
- Importer/Exporter, converting MD3 to a custom IMD format (Iris Model).
- Animated mesh (using sampled vertex morphing, taken from MD3).
- Material manager
- Object manager
- Geometry pipeline
- Lighting pipeline: dynamic lighting (Omni light, Francis’s “Smousse light”).
- Frustrum culling using bounding sphere around object.
- Collision detection using opcodecollision library.
Left to do:
- Entity manager, event/trigger based
- Precalculate lighting
- Documentation (using together maybe…)
- An actual GAME based on the engine 🙂
- Probably plenty of other things…
- Vertex tweening (lerp between animation)
- Some sample
You can download it from the IRIS 3-D Engine for Dreamcast homepage.