Tyne has released a new QuakeDC mod called Codename: Corporal, here’s what Tyne has had to say about it: “The demo consists of 5 weapons and 2-4 levels (Depending on how many maps I can ge...Read More
Warmtoe has announced on the forums that he has gotten sound to run directly to the AICA in the Dreamcast instead of using the snd-stream library, so this speeds things up! Check out the forum topic h...Read More
DCGNUboy tmages have been uploaded to the DCGNUboy page for all you ROM disc uses. Jack_15’s Spider-Man theme was used as the background with these images....Read More
Emuxer told us through our main forum of his Compatibility List for Mamed, those interested in this should visit his site http://www.chez.com/omc1/MAMED/Index.htm On another note its nice to see peopl...Read More
A member called Jericoone has opened a site dedicated to DreamInducer / Selfboot Inducer Packs, he has packs for 16 different applications,emus, etc. Those interested should go http://www.geocities.co...Read More
It seems that we some times forget those who have contributed so much to this scene, people like Rand Linden who gave us Bleemcast despite unbeliveable pressure from the likes of Sony, and also Gonzo ...Read More
The TODC site was updated with this news (albeit a fine translation from http://www.dcevolution.netfirms.com ) Here’s the list of whats new in 2.1 -sound emulation -safeguard of the configuratio...Read More