TitRes ver 0.8 Released

Jimbo the author of many DC Homebrew projects has updated his TitRes game to ver 0.8, heres the changes:

v0.0.8: implemented a halfway decent menu (it works)
touched it up for aesthetics – alpha rects under text, colors
midwest classic intro screen
title screen
main menu: options, 1p, 2p
options menu: level, speedup, lines, randomheight
1p menu: game a, game b
2p menu: game a, game b

couple new screenshots(of the menu) – check below.

BUG: second player not timestepping. FIXED (reusing variable i within for(i++..>) scope)
BUG: if 2 controllers are not plugged in and you select 2 players – crash. FIXED

added game b mode where lines are added onto the opponent’s board.
double – 1 line added
triple – 2 lines
tetris – 3 lines

— unfortunately, due to undetermined windows problems, titres does not function properly in windows.
it doesnt seem to be a glut problem; its the actual game logic that doesnt work…
its probably a variable initialization thing….?

Check out his site http://jimbomania.com/titres.html to download it.