DCGrendel updated his site with news about his DreamInducer Menu app:
I’ve been working on DreamInducer again, next version will be out in a little while. I’ve got an elf loader partially working (seems that the dumb linker is putting gaps between the sections in the elf, causing all kinds of hell) The background mp3/mod player is coming along very slowly, i’ve gotta finialize the playlist format, and add the link for it in the list parser. I’ve got to work on getting the binloader and elfloader to setup the registers for propper returning, right now it just resets or goes back to dcload after a loaded bin exits. The nifty thing with the elf loader is you will be able to pass arguments to the executable, so you could do something like TARGET=”/cd/nester.elf /cd/roms/mario.nes” for your list entry. Nifty stuff eh?
Head on over http://consolevision.com/dcgrendel/ for more information