Codename: Corporal QuakeDC mod released

Tyne has released a new QuakeDC mod called Codename: Corporal, here’s what Tyne has had to say about it:

The demo consists of 5
weapons and 2-4 levels (Depending on how many maps I can get) with waypointed FrikBots.


– Knife
– Pistol
– Akimbo Pistols
– Shotgun
– Sub-Machinegun

After the deathmatch release there will be 5 alien weapons for a total of 10 weapons.

The mod features music for each level, segmented player models (Meaning the legs animate seperately from the body), projectiles instead of bullets hitting the wall instantly, and neat effects

And here’s what DCEmu’s resident Quake expert TheDumbAss has had to say about the mod:

This is a 3rd person shooter, best idea I can give is that it’s kinda like the 3rd person mode on Outrigger and the Spawn game for DC. From what I’ve played it’s pretty good.

For more details on the mod + downloads, check out this forum topic