Atari 800DC Site Updated

Captain Skyhawk has again updated his site with an even bigger update:

First, the site has a new adress (without any pop-ups!) at: . Thanks LyonHrt for setting me up this redirect. Second, I changed the menu at the left and added a game start list for the Atari 8-bit computer. As you see it’s almost empty and I want to ask you all if you can help me with the list. Just write down what game, on wich system it runs best, what speed and what button to start it is and post your findings in this topic. When the list is complete (can take some while because of the many games available for it) I want to move on to the programs. There is now also a new more section, where you can find anything else about the emulator. Such as release notes, known problems and the credits page etc. Just take a look. And at least I want to thank all the great people in the Dreamcast Scene for helping and submissing all the info. Because of them I have corrected the last (little) wrong information on the site.

Check his site out at this new address