New DoomDC Released -Binaries and Source

DCGrendel has today released the KDoom Build he has been sitting on for a sort while, heres more information from the great one himself:

Hey all, I’ve decided to release the kdoom build i’ve had sitting on my desk for a few weeks, source and all.

Features since last release:
Doom Guy’s Face on the vmu screen
Each wad version has its own binary for use with DreamInducer/DemoMnu
A few bug fixes here and there, maybe a tiny speedup, probably not noticable

Future plans:
Music (maybe not support for original in-wad music, but support for mod music through libmodplug)
Networking, I still very much want to have this, unfortunatly theres no good way to make it compatible with dos doom, and lwip is being an ass to me (damn you IP fragments!)
Saving! Theoretically someone who wanted to could hack in the new vmu libs from kos-cvs

Check out his site DCEmulation should have local downloads up soon and hopefully will grace us with something too.