Yes, KOS has had another update and is now up to 1.1.7 with a number of
improvements over the previous 1.1.6 release.
From the site:
- Rewritten 3D API (“ta” has been replaced by “pvr”) which allows one to use
some or all of the lists in various configurations, fog, paletted textures,
etc; also includes “direct render” macros which allow you to inline your
3D pritimive creation and TA submission for super speed (I’ve seen up to
2.4M triangles/sec with this method) - Rewritten maple system, with interrupt driven I/O and hotswap
- Unified network API for both types of ethernet, and working lwIP port
- Much more GL compliant KGL library, and a KGL manual
- Lots of updates in various ‘addon’ libs, and a ton of new ones
- A lot more examples
- And of course, most importantly, includes a port of Hunt the Wumpus and Adventure from the BSD games tree.
If you’re interested in devloping for the Dreamcast, It would be well worth your while to pick up the
latest release from Sourceforge