Dreamcast 3D Asteroids v0.0.6 released

Jimbo has thrust another new version of DC 3D Asteroids onto an unsuspecting world, here’s a list of the latest changes/fixes to the game:

  • 4 player action – slow, but it works. 3 as well.
  • different color health packs float in:
    • white – health +75 (max is 100)
    • red – machine gun (hold trigger lightly for rapid fire)
    • blue – spread (fire three bullets at once)
  • enemies randomly drop in too.
  • enemies now have an opponent field, so they attack whoever attacks them(but first they default to player1).
  • destroying an enemy now yields 100 points – to the player who fires the shot that destroys it.
  • added a couple more sounds from DoomRaiderC for health pickups and such.
  • found and fixed a big ufo bug/typo – now they seem to be fine.
  • added powerups which increment health and disappear when collected. also explode when hit.

saw an enemy float off into space away from the 1p in 1p game…

The 0.0.6 bin & elf files can be downloaded from Jimbo’s DC 3D Asteroids site. Thanks to the cover’s king, Syngori, for the news.