DCDivX Beta 2 released

Marc Dukette has released a new DCDivX beta, here are the new additions to this version as posted in this Project Mayo topic:

1) Minor performance improvements
2) Bug Fixes
3) Background Images swapping support(see below)
4) FFWD on the right D-PAD button(Still buggy)
5) Divx 5.0 support for all but Q-PEL and GMC
6) Fixed stretching of background image.
7) Added support for Nandub corrupted headers

Backgound image swapping:
the player will now look for new background image on each disk swap. it looks in the root of the cd for either background.jpg or backgr~1.jpg if you use jolliet. if it finds this image it will replace the current background with the new one. if it does not it keeps whatever the last image was that it loaded. Of course the first image to load is our default background.

It should work to either burn the image on the program disk with selfboot buddy or on the data disk, however be warned the layout will be changing so I recommend putting it on the program disk so your data disks do not have images that later version will not be able to use.

The image MUST be 640X640 in size and the visible where the actual picture is in the topmost 480 lines. The bottom of the image can be anything and will be cut off in the display. if the image is incorrect in size the player WILL crash.

The latest divx.bin & source can be downloaded from Marc’s site, images should be available from Dan Marlin’s site & DCEmu’s DCDivX page soon.