MrSiggler’s “Relggis” news

MrSiggler’s plans for MegamanX: Odyssey have changed a bit, he has decided that not only will he make that game but he will also turn the game engine into a 2D game creation kit called Relggis, that will include a “Chrono Trigger style battle system” so people can also create RPG’s with it as well as platformers. MrSiggler has said that it will be awhile before it’s released but it sounds like it will be worth the wait for novice programmers that would like an easier way to make a game for the Dreamcast.

Details of MrSiggler’s plans have been posted in this forum topic, Siggy would like some input on this project so if you have any questions or queries that’s the place you should post them. And be sure to check out MrSiggler’s DCDev site for future downloads of both MMXO & Relggis.