Frotz Infocom interpreter Released!

c99koder has released the Frotz Infocom interpreter port. The following snip of news off his site explains what it is. You can download it from his web-site here. Now if its possible lets see some exclusive text adventures .

“I have successfully ported the Frotz Infocom interpreter to the Dreamcast. The Infocom interpreter allows you to play text based classics such as Zork and Adventure. There are also many other Interactive Fiction titles available around the web.”

Thanks again to LyonHrt for the news!!

Update: As I was typing this up, I prepared a selfboot image. You can download it here, it has been tested, and it works. I believe it requires a keyboard of course! Use CDI2NRG to make successful Nero images, get it here, or else suffer by faulty images from other sites.