Fragger has posted some more JoyMenu news over at The Fragger’s Place, here’s the latest info on his QuakeDC mod: – The speed of both JoyConsole blinking text cursor and intermission...Read More
Turrican2K has updated his dev page with some info about his latest project: “Tile Engine BETA: Collisions and scrolling done. Builds sent out to beta testers. I’m gonna put up shots and m...Read More
It seems that people have the idea that if there model was not on the DC Compatibility page that is does not work, for those of you who thought that I tell you now, just because its not on the page do...Read More
If you remember, last time I posted something like this it was a hoax, but believe it or not, it is being done. The people behind DivX for pc have began working and looking into porting DivX to the Dr...Read More
The ROM disc swapping problem that some of the recent NesterDC images have had has been fixed by tekezo, you can get a working fullscreen 5.0 pre-3 1st read.bin from here & a non-fullcreen 1st re...Read More
It seems Takayama Fumihiko had forgotten a file in the source code zip for NesterDC pre-3, so if you were having trouble getting it to compile or anything, the source code zip file has been updated. H...Read More
As you may know, changing IRC server may be difficult, unfortunately our current IRC server is quite the lame MOFO. It disconnects tons of people anyone who has a semi-slow connection and makes doing ...Read More
The DC Factory site has been updated again by Krypt_, here’s what’s new: “Due to popular demand, I’ve put up the ZIP files necessary to self-boot Nester4 and Nester 5pre3 with ...Read More
Takayama Fumihiko has posted a full screen release, and its said that the non full screen version runs smoother though. NesterDC is a NES emulator. Get it at Takayama Fumihiko’s web-site. Thanks...Read More
Sega Europe has finaly released DreamKey 3, it is available to order from the DreamArena website. Quote from sega-europe.comDreamkey 3 enables you to choose your own Internet service provider (ISP) an...Read More