Once again ATani has reported some news in the DCGen topic, here’s the latest: “Ok, here we are only a few days after i announce what is to be done for the next version and already a few t...Read More
Proveaux has updated his site once again with some more single game IP.BIN’s: “New single game Ip.bin files, mr files. There should be one for all games beginning with “C” and ...Read More
Tekezo has released a new version of NesterDC, the 1ST_READ.BIN (with an updated “package”) & source code can be downloaded from his site. Here’s what’s new: changes from ...Read More
The ATani starts work on DCGen Again! topic on our forums has been going strong for the past few days & for the most part the reaction to ATani’s return has been very positive, but unfortun...Read More
It’s that time again, DCFactory news! Here’s kRYPT_ with the report: “http://krypt.dyndns.org:81/dcfactory/nester/themes/ I’ve created a little web application to manage nester...Read More
Stalin has updated his site with the following news: “That’s right kiddies. After a very very long time I have actually put something on this page. As of right now it is only yet another b...Read More
Syngori of Syngori’s Dreamcast Covers has added a DJ and Nero self boot image for DC-Fight including a custom IP.Bin that can be downloaded and has also a nice cover for it.If you just want the ...Read More
Sam Steele has updated his site DreamZZT with news of a new version of his 3D Test Demo. “Classes start again for me tomorrow, so I wanted to get something released for you all before I have to ...Read More
An updated version of Dreamcast Media Player has been released that fixes a bug that happened when trying to play certain DivX files. It can be downloaded from Thenesis.com, you’ll need a coders...Read More
Jimbo has released another updated DC Fighting demo. Here is the full update from Jimbo’s web-site. v0.1.5: relative rotation(dodging)this version introduces the concepts of rotation to the game...Read More