ajay has posted some progress news over at the Dreamcast Quake Site. “Progress, of sorts.I’ve tried the basic, early mod thru’ DcQuake, and well, it sucked. A major feature, an integ...Read More
For those of you who have been wanting to get into deving but had no idea where to start, I have had a site up with some basics as well as tools you can use for your needs. We also just re-opened the ...Read More
As you all know there’s been a lot of incidents involving fake emulators & the like over the past few weeks which have not only made this site look bad, but have also made a lot of people u...Read More
Thorsten Titze has updated Hanger Eleven with some news of Selfboot CD Tutorial. “I just uploaded my tutorial on how to make a selfbooting CDs from your compiled ELF file (this is based on Marcu...Read More
I have been sent by the author himself some exclusive news about a new VM animation tool. This tool is quite an achievementand should not be looked at lightly. B-movie;) is a solution to bring compres...Read More
Sin is alive & back posting, he has posted the following on the Sintendo Message Boards: I moved. I don’t really know where the time’s went since. I haven’t had an internet conn...Read More
Krypt has released to beta testers new version 0.6.1 . This minor bugfix test relase is out now, beta testers can pick it up at the ususal place. Thanks to Hollywood Hansey for the news....Read More
Well it seems like the Neo Geo authors have finally spoke out on the forums from their ownselves, so I appologize for shooting the gun at the wrong time from the wrong people. Check out the topic that...Read More
krypt has released to beta testers new version 0.6 . Here is whats new. 0.6: – system: added icon (thanks Anthony Archer)– system: proper title now shows up in task bar– system: new ...Read More
I was not involved in any way, sense, or form besides the fact they used me as a forefront, and convinced others to convince me it was real. Here I have uploaded all of my personal log files with the ...Read More