DC Quake site updated!!

ajay has posted some progress news over at the Dreamcast Quake Site.

“Progress, of sorts.
I’ve tried the basic, early mod thru’ DcQuake, and well, it sucked. A major feature, an integral part failed to work properly; due again to DcQuake’s sucky lighting effects. My options are two fold; to make a radically different DcQuake version, or to experiment with lighting and make a slightly different DcQuake version. The latter’s my favourite, but requires a fair few cdr’s….
Other progress; work on the “thru’ walls stuff” has taken a side road; I’ve come up with a second way of acheiving the same thing, which I’m working on; time will tell.
I’m not too disappointed, after all the point of this mod was to learn more about DcQuake, and how to get things working.

On other news; Fragger, a regular at the dcemu forums, has made a demo of his Joymenu mod, go to this thread in the dcemu forums to read about it. Looks very cool”