Today is a very sad day. Thousands of people were killed today, September 11th, 2001 by terrorsts. Both of the world trade towers where hit by hijacked planes, causing them to collaps a short time later. The pentagon was also hit, causing many deaths. There was also a crash near Pitsburg, which was close to the presidents safe house. Here are a few snips from
NEW YORK — A terrorist attack leveled the twin 110-story towers of the World Trade Center Tuesday morning, obliterating the New York landmark from the city’s skyline and claiming an unknown number of lives. By 10:30 a.m. EDT, the 1,300-foot-tall towers, with a daily capacity of at least 50,000 occupants, had folded in on themselves, raining slabs of steel and cement to the streets. Dense black smoke climbed toward the sky as ash several inches thick cloaked streets, buildings and people.
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon was a scene of devastation Tuesday after a Boeing 757 crashed into the huge military office building, setting it ablaze and forcing thousands of employees to evacuate. Witnesses said the jetliner hit the nation’s military nerve center, and casualties were expected to be high in what appeared to be a terrorist attack.
Go to for more details (or just turn on your television, it is on most networks). Lets all pray for the familys of all the victems. And that the people responsible are caught and prosocuted.