Wraggster News Roundup

First off covers and thanks to Krillin_Sa ,Only777,Pete Calderwood and Spud for their great Cd and Dvd covers.:)

Second ,are you looking for Vmu Saves and much more for your Dreamcast then head on over to Segafans Vmu Hq HERE and also a request from SegaFan himself “We need lots of people to Upload Their Files Please!”
so if any of you can help please do so

Thirdly i received this email:
“I am currently working on an Emulator for the dreamcast.
At the moment, it is a basic genesis emulator, but will not
run any games.I will leave the genesis this way for now.In
stead, I am developing a SegaCD emulator, which at the
moment can display a sega logo and dissapear. If anyone
wishes to help me by designing a GUI loading picture, I will
gladly allow them.At the moment, there is no Official name,
but I will call it DcD.”

Thats all for now