DreamDay Emu Dead

Thanks to the DreamColation for this news this is what was sent to me :

” When I start DreamDay, I wasn’t thinking that emulate all the hardware will be so difficult!! Anyway I’ve start this project….The last week I have sent a news to dcemulation.org and some ppl contact me…There was a great hype for this new emu, but it was for nothing……..The core emulation it’s ok,but the gfx engine and the rest of the code (Not all, maple bus emulation code rulez :)) it’s worst & slow!So this project is dead, sorry.Thx to all the ppl that support me: BinoX, TheFox, Snake (sorry for RECV :() and all I
have forgot.So try another emu like Dreamer (0.02b it’s great! Why Elsemi don’t make another release?) & DreamEmu (Good Work Lord Cheese :)).I have deleted all the C source file of DreamDay & the bin :(But I will promise that I will return in the Dc Emulation scene when I went able to make a REAL Dc Emu.Byz…..& see U soon, I hope 😉 ”

Well another sad piece of news lets hope we here some good news soon.