The Mamed site has been updated with this news: For those that want to know what games are compatable with MAMED can check out quicksilv’s unoffical mamed rom campatability list web site. Also, ...Read More
Heliophobe has updated his site with this news: If you’ve followed you know this already, but it turns out there was no problem with my emulator with selfbooting other than that ...Read More
Well, lik-sang is nearing the end of it’s last shipment of coders cables, so I think it is time to show you an alternative shop! Zophar Emu’s official store! of the respected emu website o...Read More
I have been given a hands on test of DoomDC, I have to say that it is extremely awesome. It does not have sound at the moment but it runs at full speed and sometimes faster. They are working on the so...Read More
Today me and Lyonhrt created the new Modern Gaming Emulators Forum which is for Talking about modern emulators such as Dreamsnes, Sintendo, Mamedc, Boobboy, Bleemcast!,Mamed and as well as many up and...Read More
Whilst browsing the internet i noticed this free piece of software for printing your covers.Here are the features: – easy to use and skinable interface– packed with skin.editor to easily c...Read More
The Spoutnick Team creators of Dream-o-Rama ,a SG1000 Emulator for the Dreamcast have updated their site with this: Welcome to our 2 new members : Cedric and Gilles.Sorry for the lack of update, but w...Read More
Small news from Turricans Site and here it is: OK I now have textures loading ingame and for the intro at the start. Shouldn’t be too long now also : I got word from Crt0 that he still working o...Read More