Wow, hold on to your pants folks. I’m on vacation but managed to stop in the chat room for a few minutes, and after hearing about this I just HAD to post it. The people porting Linux to DC have ...Read More
Checking in the forums i noticed this new mod for Quake called Quakebert ,it is basically a Q-bert mod for Quake to find out more go here-wraggster...Read More
Tubooboo has updated his site saying that he will be busy for the next three weeks or so ,he has a work project to do but when thats done he will continue with his hugo port.To read more click here-wr...Read More
The DevCast site has seen a new addition to the site in the form of Zappy_32 who is a news poster and who will write tutorials find out more go here-wraggster...Read More
Heliophobe posted this request on his site “Does anyone know where one can rent PAL televisions in Monterey o Santa Cruz counties in California? I’d really love to make Smeg PAL compatible...Read More
Second interview of the day was with the DColem author Gonzo he talks about his new projects which include work he has just begun on an emu for the Atari 2600 and the Odyssey 2 emulators as well as ca...Read More
I had the privilege to do an interview with the makers of Dream-O-Rama the first SG-1000 emulator for Dreamcast.The creators of the emulator are called the Spoutnick Team they consist of Pascal ,Franc...Read More
Ganksoft have put up a DC TONIC Poll at there homepage . If you have downloaded and tried this excellent DC Demo then go rate it . Im sure they and the other coding groups involved in DC TONIC will ap...Read More